Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My heart is aching today

  Not for me this time, for a friend. We just got back from some more tests in Toronto and everything was great. Today my friends Leila and Eli are taking their sweet little boy, Jakobi for his own cranio surgery. They were lucky to also live near Sickkids Hospital and blessed the same amazing plastic surgeon, Dr. Forrest. I know that everything will be fine in my heart but my head is right back to our surgery day with Fenn. The feelings I know she is feeling, the pain of watching as your baby is taken away and you just have to sit and wait... it's awful. I will be by my phone and thinking of them all day today while this is happening 18 hours away from where I live now. It is so unfair that any parent has to watch their children go through these things and that any child has to endure this. I will be anxiously awaiting the news of Jakobi getting out of surgery and getting snuggled by his mum and dad. I hope the day will pass quickly for them today. Send whatever it is you send, prayers, postive thoughts etc their way for me today please, for strength for the parents and healing for Jakobi. They are a special little family and we love them.

Fenn and Jakobi playing Sept. 2012