Monday, December 6, 2010

9 months

Fenn is 9 months now, hard to believe...  He is changing everyday, all in good ways. Everyday I think I can't love him anymore than I do and then I do somehow. Its weird that when I was going through the summer looking at Fenn with the distractions in his head, seeing his head after it was just cut open and with 3 IV's stuck in him and a heart monitor that it was just what I was given, it was normal and I thought not too much of it. I looked at a couple of pictures from that time recently and it gave me shivers and I think I must have been in denial and acting like it wasn't happening (Im sure I've said this a billion times before) but I think I'm amazed when I realize what our family has been through and that somehow we have made it, we are still struggling, but we are trying! This week Fenn looked at his daddy and said 'Hi Dada' and hasnt stopped since, he is so proud of himself, as we are of him. Still not cool with the crawling and trying to walk thing but I think Im ok with that for a bit longer since the tiniest bump to his head seems to give him a great deal of pain. Maybe he realizes this and doesn't want to take risks. It bothers me the he still rubs the sides of his head alot, hard to say why or what is bothering him, I still think its the plates and screws. My friend said her mom had these after surgery and they were irritating. Knowing what an adult thinks is the closest thing I have to knowing what Fenn thinks.
  Fenn has his check up a week ago and everything was good, they checked his optic nerve again and took all the pictures of his head, we don't have to go back for another 6 months now. I am extremely nervous about our move back to New Brunswick because of Fenn's medical issues. Dr.Forrest said there was NO ONE who could see Fenn with these problems in the MARITIMES and I would have to email him with any, thats scary. So I am really hoping he is healthy and we don't continue to have problems. It was a comfort being near Sick Kids for so many reason.

 I would like to post a link to the Sick Kids Foundation, they featured Fenn's story here: