Sunday, February 13, 2011

what a difference a year makes

  Seriously... what a year. I can't believe its been almost 8 months since Fenn's surgery, I can't believe Fenn is about to turn ONE! WOW! As special as having a baby is it feels like every moment is even more special after what he has been through. Every moment I have him is a moment to be thankful and enjoy all the funny little things in life that he brings to me. He is still meeting all his milestones and developing like any other baby. His head is gradually taking a more normal shape and I am finally seeing the effects of the surgery. His hair is growing in so you can hardly even see the scar (though I think its something to be proud of anyway).

  As most of you know we have settled in New Brunswick to be near my family and Fenn loves it. I am still not sure, but I am enjoying my job, even though I am finding it really difficult to remember things like I used to, learn new things and operate on little sleep. Also we moved into a smoke filled noisy apartment and Fenn and I have been sick since we got here. We are moving AGAIN, as tired as I am it's necessary and its not my ideal location but its a cute little house and the landlords seem great. I'm so looking forward to actually be settled somewhere and make it a home. Since Fenn was born this will be the third time we moved, too much!

  We have scheduled Fenn's 6 month check up at Sick Kids for May 10th, it will be an incredibly short visit, 2 days, I think this next appointment will give me even more peace of mind on his recovery. I felt more comfortable with him being looked at every week or two. It's weird but being at Sick Kids now gives me some sort of comfort, I feel safe there.

  Now that I am having time to reflect a bit on everything that has happened I just wanted to say thank you again to all the support we received over the summer and fall, it really made a difference in our lives. When I look at pictures from that time of Fenn I get the shivers, I have no idea how I survived it, but I do know that alot of it had to do with my family and friends. So thank you.

  Well I just wanted to give a quick update since I haven't updated for a long time. I'll try to  update again after his birthday party at the SPCA. So excited!!