Monday, November 8, 2010

One month until the next appointment

  I figured it was about time to do a little update. Its been two months since Fenn's last surgery, 5 since his first surgery and we are about one month away from his next check up. I'm interested to see what they have to say about his development and if he will improve leaps and bounds this month in regards to crawling and sitting up on his own.
  I think yesterday it really hit me finally what Fenn has gone through and all of the sudden I got this panic and then a calmness realizing it was over. I'm too late to panic! That's good to know! It all seems like a dream now like I'm not even really sure it actually happened. We still run into people asking us what happened to his head (his hair is still growing in so the scar is pretty prominent) and I happily explain about our little Fenn that I am so proud of. I don't mind the questions.
  Back home in Riverview, on one of the very streets I lived on, Warren Ave, a mom went missing about a week ago and she had I think a 1 and 4 year old. They are still trying to arrest the guy but it looks like her abusive ex boyfriend took her, killed her and dumped her in the woods near his house closer to where my parents live now. This has been plaguing me ever since I found out she was missing. I didn't know her but know people who did and the thought that her children will grow up without their mom and now not their dad either (not that he is a prize obviously) is heart breaking. It really got me when I was thinking about her, how she would never get to see her babies again, never give them another bottle, never play with them, hug or kiss them, or tuck them into bed at night. I wonder if these are the things she was thinking about before she died... I don't want to keep thinking about it but I can't seem to stop. I think of Fenn and how much I love him and hope that I have forever with him. When he gets upset or has a bad day, who cares! he is still here and I am still here with him. Every night I go in our room and peek at him sleeping peacefully, is there anything better than that? NOPE!  I hope her family somehow find the strength to move on...
  Sorry if that was a little depressing but I think a little perspective in our lives is always healthy. That old saying 'theres always someone worse off than you' is pretty much true in every situation... Makes it hard to let things bother you when really we all have so much and could have so little.

Onto to more positive things! Last weekend we finally got to go up and visit Mike's aunt and uncle in Southbridge, which was far FAR!!! but so happy we could go. His cousin Nadia is having a baby and we went up for her shower. It was such a beautiful house on a beautiful property with ALOT of birds which I watched most of the day, it was nice to get out of the city, eat someone else's food for a change haha and spend time with family. I made the baby shower cake and got to model characters for the first time. Fenn loves being outside so much so I think we will have to go back in the spring and spend some more time there. (That has nothing to do with the fact they have a hot tub and a wine cellar) lol

So it doesnt look like we are going home for xmas which makes me sad because I really wanted Fenn to meet his great grandparents, cousins and Uncle that he hasnt seen yet. But hopefully we can come home soon, just don't know when.

Picture time: