Tuesday, October 19, 2010

can't even remember

 I just realized I have no idea what the date was of Fenn's last surgery. I could figure it out if I really wanted to just by checking this blog haha but maybe thats a good sign that we are moving on from what happened over the summer. Fenn is doing so well now, his head looks great, he has two teeth in, he has started to work on the things he was doing before his first surgery like rolling over. Sometimes if I dwell on it I am bothered how the surgery has effected his development but I am so proud of him and he is trying so hard now to catch up. He is making lots of sounds and trying to talk to us, finally taking an interest in solid food (this was also do to his surgeries, I think the bottle was comforting and the morphine hurt his tummy so he wasn't interested before), he is holding his own bottle as of a month ago. I am so proud of him. I think he is most behind on the motor skills he would have learned while laying down, his other motor skills are fine. He can sit up by himself for about 5 minutes now before falling over, he never falls far of course because I still behind him. That's the other thing, we can't really let him learn everything on his own that way because we have to protect him from banging his head, not that any mom want their kid to bang their head but it does happen sometimes I'm sure. He still spends alot of time holding and feeling his head where the plates are and I don't know what he thinks about it.

  Since he started holding his own bottle thats freed up a lot of time for us and he takes the little bit left to bed and falls asleep which is great. Before we had to make sure he was asleep before we put him to bed. I really fell like he is making improvements and getting back to some form of normalcy. I'm anxious for his next doctors appointment in December just to see how they think he is developing. Even though the surgeries are over as far as we know for now we still have to keep an eye on his development to make sure there was no brain damage from the swelling. I really don't feel there was because he is so bright and smart but that doesn't mean it won't present itself at a later date, I don't dwell on this. I spend my days teaching him and playing with him and learning and growing with him. Nothing really describes the difference he has made in my life or will continue to make and something about what he has been through, we have been through together, makes him all that more special to me if that was even possible.

  October has been good to us, the first month without visits to the doctor or surgeries or Emergency visits. Visits from some of my favourite people Heidi Horner and Benn Quinn. We drove to see Heidi in Port Hope, just a random place to meet half way between Toronto and Kingston and also got to surprise visit one of my besties here Myles. Turned out to be providence to see him that day and it was good for both of our souls. Had a great dinner with Heids, wish it was longer, much longer but I will take what I can get. I was so glad she finally met Fenn. I'm hoping for just as much of a lovely November and I think we are going to N.B. for xmas, so excited for that.

  On another note I am almost half way to the goal I set for the toy drive but we only have a week or so to go so I'm hoping at the last minute people donate lots of toys! It's exciting watching the pile grow here at home and thinking how happy the kids will be to receive the toys. The plan is for some of the toys to stay at the hospital and some to be given to the kids staying there to take home when they go. Crazy how such a little gesture puts such a big smile on someones face, even the parents. Fenn had no idea when he was given toys at 5 months old but it really made our day to know someone thought of us and cared about us.  I hope this is something I can continue to do with Fenn as he grows up so he always appreciates what they did for him at Sick Kids and learns the importance of caring for other people.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 weeks

  It's been three weeks since the surgery and its going really good and really bad. About 50/50. The really good part is how well his head has healed, its not nearly as raw as last time and we didn't need to clean it as much or often, it closed up quick and we are just waiting for the dissolving stitches to actually dissolve. The bad part is the screaming. There really is no way of knowing what is wrong with Fenn when he screams for hours, I try to base it on is he rubbing and grabbing at his head or is he tugging his ears or grinding his mouth on things. He has another tooth coming in but he is also breaking out in cold sweats every night without a fever and continuously rubbing his head. Last night was one of the worst, he slept a total of 2 hours and we spent it in the back room downstairs because he was screaming so loud. I coudn't do ANYTHING to console him. Eventually he fell asleep on my chest but as soon as I tried to put him to sleep beside me he would scream so up on my chest again he would go. Needless to say I am exhausted and out of ideas. I haven't slept for a few days now, he refuses to take most of his naps during the day and loses it at night. Morphine doesn't even seem to touch he and he is on a regimen of tylonel and advil, cal mag and pro biotics.

  We have all been sick here for over a week now with a nasty cold, I got it worse, I guess because of the sleep I've been deprived of.  Somehow Mike always  seems to get atleast 10 hours of sleep even on the nights where I get 1 hour.  I've learned life is easier if I let him sleep and if I'm going to be exhausted I can't deal with the consequences of sleep deprived Mike. When hes tired he just doesn't have patience for Fenn either. It's hard sometimes but I guess it takes alot for me to feel frustrated with Fenn, I just have to think of what he has been through and is still going through with the plates in his head. I'm really hoping its not a year of pain ahead for us with him until these plates dissolve. Mike is really feeling like he hasn't been given a chance to enjoy having a 'normal' baby. I think it just makes him that much more special.
 I might be working part time if it works out to make sense financially, I have a little interview tomorrow but I have worked for the company before so it would be nice to have a familiar environment and easy transition back into the workplace.

  Also, as most of you know... I am hosting a toy drive for 8C the burns and plastic ward where we stayed at Sickkids. If you can help out please do. Here's how to help and also, the commission I make will be given back in toys so really you are giving more than you thinks! I would like to reach 100 toys in the next couple of weeks..

There are strict guidelines for donating to Sick Kids so I'm gonn...a help you out, please purchase any toy for any age from here:

You can purchase from the online catalogue and pay by credit card. Alternatively you can order from me in person and pay cash or credit card.

IMPORTANT: When ordering online please have it shipped to me so I can deliver the toys unless you personally want to drop the toys off to me in Toronto. My address is : 569 Ossington Ave.

Toronto, ON

M6G 3T4

(Delivery to Back Door)

There are toys at many different price ranges..donate one or donate alot. Whatever you can do is appreciated...


GO here:

and place an order, dont forget to have it delivered to me for your convenience and ESPECIALLY if you don't live in Toronto ;) THANK YOU!

Now some pics of the last few weeks!